Temperature Controllers | Portable Chillers | Cooling Towers

Efficient heat transfer is absolutely essential in plastics manufacturing. WAK Plastics represents Advantage Engineering for several reasons, all equally important. Advantage Engineering increases the profitability of our customers by developing and manufacturing innovative industrial heat transfer products that are reliable, at very competitive prices. Advantage’s product lineup includes; water chillers, temperature control units and evaporative cooling towers. WAK Plastics and Advantage may also suggest custom designed equipment when needed. Together, we offer a valuable resource to support your product development.

Temptek, Inc. has revolutionized today’s market of low cost auxiliary equipment for the plastics industry. Their product philosophy is to provide you with economically affordable heat transfer equipment, built for round the clock operations, providing years of trouble–free service. Mold temperature controllers, central and portable chillers, cooling towers and pump stations are among the products offered. Temptek’s standardized production techniques, industry recognized reliable components, and mechanically simple designs, enable WAK Plastics to pass a savings on to the customer.